1855_Sun god of the Maya
Watercolor 30x40
The sun god of the Mayas lies between earth and sky (indicated as a character)
2019_021 Priester / Warlock
Acryl 70x50cm
From the Mayan Codex "Madrid" - 15th century - The Codex Madrid contains a number of descriptions of ritual acts. The contours of the priest correspond largely to the original drawing in the Codex.
1846_Maya: Chak_Awal
Watercolor (Arches paper) 12x12
2 characters of the Maya:
Aj-wo-l (T229.67: 536) meaning: Your heart (Tu corazón)
CHAK (T109): Red, Big (Rojo, grande)
1848_Maya: place to dream / star
1847_Maya: artist and paper
2 Mayan characters: Above
Aj na-b'i (T228.25: 535a) He of the water / Artist (The Water: Artist) and
Jun (T60): Paper, book
1845_Maya: CH'A (T93), drop; Waterdrop